About Runaway

When have you wanted to run away?

We endure countless afflictions of mind, body, heart, and soul. From our daily struggles to our long-term battles, we are under siege by negativity. Over time, unchecked stress takes a heavy toll of the quality of our lives, distracting us from ourselves and the care we deserve.

Worn down, we long for a way to step outside of our lives—to run away—even if for a moment.

Shouldering a unique set of burdens, we all have our own stories.

What’s your story?

For Angie Humphries, founder of Runaway Athletics, her break-out moment occurred during the pandemic as she tackled unprecedented stress factors. We can recall how the world shut down, distancing friends, family, and community. Normal socialization and recreation halted. Healthy outlets of stress were minimized as public errands became life-threatening trials. Her two young daughters required schooling from home, a new full-time role competing with her professional life. Working in the medical staffing industry during a global health crisis added new intensity to each day. Recently diagnosed medical conditions further complicated her life in the form of the energy-zapping Hashimoto’s autoimmune disease. While Angie was fortunate in so many ways during this time, her journey experienced an inrush of stress demanding more robust levels of management.

How could she become stronger and better care for herself?

It’s fair to say that Angie was never an athlete. Her athletic resume comprised of a few random kickboxing classes and a season or two of softball (mostly a social activity with friends). However, observing some fit friends and coworkers and considering what activity could help her best focus on herself, she made her choice.


In the months before the pandemic lockdowns, Angie had dabbled with jogging, setting a goal of one mile per day. Though, once the quarantines started and stress levels peaked, she tripled down on her new hobby, pushing herself and her limits. With diligence, she began running longer distances in preparation for her first 5k. The 5k runs became 10k runs, and soon she was training for a half marathon.

Only three years into her journey, Angie has traveled the country and completed countless races. She has built a supportive community on Strava and shares her journey of athletic triumph, personal growth, and the candid beauty of nature and her runaway life. 

Now, Angie invites you to run away. Through her brand, Runaway Athletics, she hopes to inspire others to start or continue their journeys of personal growth and fulfillment. If she can do it, you can too. No matter who you are, or where you are in your athletic development, you can run away too—in your own way, at your own speed.

What does Runaway Athletics stand for?

We champion three brand values at Runaway Athletics:

  1. Self-love – to maximize our happiness, performance, and yes, our survival, we absolutely must be good stewards of our well-being. Self-love sounds generic, but it’s a complex set of habits that we break down into three broad categories:
    1. Self-care refers to the daily and short-term habits that nurture physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Consistency and dedicated time are key here.
    2. Self-improvement refers to the long-term habits of personal development and goal achievement. We run away to enhance ourselves and unlock greater potential. We chase horizons and embrace the journey of growth and fulfillment along the way.
    3. Self-discovery refers to the character development and cultivation of meaning, purpose, and personal understanding that occurs when we devote time and care to ourselves.
  2. My Pace, My Story – this is our ode to personal journeys. We run away to seek ourselves and embrace our stories. Because they matter. The chaos of life often fools us into surrendering control. Our goal is to remind you—you set the pace; you write the next chapter.
  3. Be a Sun, Rise for Others - We are not alone. Our journeys matter to others and to the world. It’s important that we set strong examples and motivate others on their own journeys.